Thursday, July 9, 2015

When Rain Rises

When Rain Rises // Sirus Hunt


                                                                            Rating: 4.5/5
            *I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review*

  (Just to start off I need to say that this cover is GORGEOUS!!! Props to whoever came up with this and it matches the colors of my blog.)

Now on to my actual review.....

This book follows Rain (I know the CUTEST name ever) an impoverished young man who has amnesia, has a great sense of humor, and is confident that he will be a legend some day. The book takes place in a post apocalyptic society that is protected by walls all around. The book shows us through Rain's journey as he finds out about a secretive group known as The Vivian that is all about doing good on the streets of this city.

I can summarize this whole book in one word....

BADASS (If you read the book you will understand the reference)

This book is amazing in a way that it feels familiar to me but it is still extremely unique. Most of my passion for this book comes from the amazing characters that the author has developed.

The main character Rain is absolutely hilarious and his sense of humor is a refreshing constant throughout the entire book. His confidence is also extremely charming.

The other character that I absolutely loved was Aiden. He is the cunning, clever, and extremely straightforward mentor to Rain. I liked him from the beginning as he is a no fooling around type of guy which provides a perfect contrast in comparison to Rain.

Rain's partner is Alyse and honestly I didn't really like her much. She just seemed super bratty.
However, I did end up liking how much her character develops within the book, I can stand her but I prefer Bianca (the other female protagonist) over Alyse. (Plus I am not sure how to say Alyse//Someone help me!).

If you like action this book definitely delivers some great action. I loved the detail that the character uses when describing the fight scenes. It feels like your sitting in the front row of a boxing match and I'm screaming, "Yeah get him Rain!".

You might be saying to yourself... "Well Iman if you liked it so much where'd the other half star go?", and I can answer that.

The e-book I received was a little wonky in the way the chapters were arranged. Some chapters were missing, others were moved around. I don't really pay attention to chapter numbers while reading because I am so into the story so I completely missed a chapter and then all of a sudden I got the missing chapter like five chapters later. I was actually thinking that part of the story was missing because Rain actually has more amnesia and the author was just absolutely brilliant in showing that.


My other small problem is only because I loved the book so much.


I NEED to know about Rain's amnesia and his past. We didn't really get any answers about that in this book but this is a series so I hope that we can find out in the next book.

WARNING: Cliffhanger ending.

So basically I needed the sequel yesterday.

- <3 Iman

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